Council For Technical Education and Vocational Training Skilling Nepal for People's Prosperity
With the globalization of markets, the increasing diversity of workforces and the emphasis on time as a critical element in an organization's ability to complete, TVET programs are suppose to provide the rapid response of the labor market through the Public / Community or Private owned Colleges. On behalf of CTEVT, We are committing to produce quality human resources to response the need of labor market. We are eager to work with the business, industries and community leaders to address the gap in labor market through supplying skilled TVET graduates.Achyut Raj Dahal
CTEVT, Karnali Province Office (KPO) was established in 2019 (2075 BS) as a contact and co-ordination office of Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) in Karnali Province after the nation implemented federalism. KPO coordinates with the Ministry of Social Development, a provincial line Ministry for Education for the development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Province. It serves as a provisional office in province acting a bridge between the Province Government and CTEVT focusing mainly on TVET sector reform.
KPO monitors and regulates all the constituent, TECS, affiliated, and partner schools in their admission, registration, examination, and result publication. Skill-based short term training and skill testing conducted by NSTB in the province are also coordinated and monitored by KPO. It acts as a facilitator, coordinator, harbinger for overall enhancement of TVET within the province.
The main roles and responsibilities of the province office are:
Ctevt Karnali Province
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